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Vision and Values

Policies & Documents

All policies are on a rolling programme and are updated on a 3-year cycle, unless there is a legal requirement for them to be updated yearly by Governors. Our policies lay out our vision for that specific area of interest. We hope you find our policies to be not only informative but enlightening, as we try to ensure that everything done at Whitehall enhances children’s spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.

The policies are divided into three groups; all those about the different subjects we teach are in the ‘Curriculum’ group. The policies which by law have to be shown on our website are in the ‘Statutory Policies and Statements’ group. The policies that relate to our practise in all different aspects of school life are in the ‘Whole School’ group.

If you read anything in any policy that is unclear or does not make sense to you or that you feel does not reflect what you see going on in school, then please make an appointment to see a member of the Senior Leadership Team(SLT).

A paper copy of any policy or document can be obtained from the office, free of charge.

Curriculum Policies

All the subject policies show how we cover the National Curriculum requirements and those of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Appendix 1 in each document shows you how learning progresses through school from Nursery to Year 2.


Get in touch

Whitehall Nursery and Infant School West Bromwich Road, WS1 3HS

T: 01922 721991