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Get involved

Stay and learn

In Year 1 and 2 you will be invited to come into school to watch your child perform in a class assembly and then to share learning time with them in their class. These sessions give a brilliant opportunity to see how your child works in school. You also get to work with them on an activity to support their learning.

Stay and play

In Reception and Nursery you will be invited to come into school to 'stay and play' with your child and join in their activities and learning and shake a teacher led story time. It is so special for the children when you come into 'their' school as they get to be the one with all the knowledge as they tell you what everything is!  It is great opportunity for developing their confidence and language.

Bright yellow and realistic coffee illustration

SEAS Student Coffee Chat | University of Michigan School for Environment  and Sustainability

Coffee Chat Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

Parent/Carer Coffee Mornings

I will be restarting the Wednesday coffee mornings and would love to see as many of our parents and carers as possible attend. You can have a chat over a hot drink and meet other parents and carers. Pre-school children are also welcome!!    

If there are any issues or topics you would like to discuss then this is an ideal time to do it. I would also like to use these sessions to invite outside agencies to come in and share with you information on their services within the local community.

So, save your Wednesday mornings 8.45-9.30, and I look forward to seeing you there!!

Mrs Ware


Be a governor

Becoming a governor is a rewarding way of making an important contribution to education. It can help you develop your existing skills and learn new ones. Find out here who can become a governor, what training and support you can get and how to apply.

Enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are the most important qualities.

As a school governor, your duties will include:

  • setting the strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the budget
  • reviewing progress against the budget and objectives
  • challenging and supporting senior staff
  • playing a part in appointing staff

The governing body in schools is made up of:

  • staff representatives
  • community governors, including parents.
  • other local sponsors, like businesses

Governing bodies make their decisions based on the advice of committees. Governing bodies in schools are accountable for:

  • the use of public funds
  • the quality of education provided
  • the wider contribution to the community

You can find out more about becoming a school governor at the School Governors’ One Stop Shop (SGOSS) website.

Training and development is an important part of becoming an effective school governor. Find out about the training and support available in the ‘School governors: professional development‘ section of the DfE’s current website.

The GovernorLine support service can provide advice on legal and other issues by telephone (0800 072 2181) or email.

As a typical school governor, you can expect to spend at least six to eight hours a month on your duties.

School governors work on a voluntary basis – they do not get paid.

To apply to become a Governor at Whitehall contact the school directly.

Get in touch

Whitehall Nursery and Infant School West Bromwich Road, WS1 3HS

T: 01922 721991