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Litter Poster Winners

These were the amazing designs that were chosen from all the entries to the 'Don't Drop Litter Poster Competition' created by Parliament to help keep our school and the local area, litter free.

Parliament had loads of entrants to their competition.  They started the selection process by creating a list of what they were looking for in a poster: bright and colourful, easy to read, good pictures, not too cluttered.  With that criteria they sifted through the designs and selected the winners.

But there was one problem!  One of the designs had loads of really useful and informative information.  The drawings were great, but there was too much information for the design to be used as a poster.  So parliament decided that we should copy the design and make it into a booklet.  Then we could give it to every child in school to take home and read with their family.  This would then show to everyone what we thought was the right behaviour that we all should be following, for the sake of our planet.

Get in touch

Whitehall Nursery and Infant School West Bromwich Road, WS1 3HS

T: 01922 721991